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How to change some texts/words?

If you would like to change some texts from english to english (translating to another language is described here) you can do it using SayWhat? plugin that allows you to alter strings on your site without editing WordPress core:

Say what?

After installing SayWhat? plugin go to Tools → Text Changes and click “Add New“. In “Original string” field write original text, then in “Text domain” field add realteo or findeo and in “Replacement string” field add new text.

Some texts might come from theme and then the textdomain is findeo or from plugin then it’s realteo


How to add Listing ID?

Go to Realteo Editor → Fields → Main Details (you can also use Details tab) then add there new field and set it like on the following screenshot:


In Findeo 1.2.0 we’ve introduced new feature called agencies.
We took different approach than other themes regarding that.

The Agency in Findeo is a Custom Post Type, as an admin you can find it in your Dashboard -> Agencies.

However in the front-end of Findeo, the agencies are created by agents. The process is:

  1. User registers as Agent
  2. Agent can create Agency in his “User Dashboard” section
  3. The Agency needs to be approved by page admin to be published
  4. When the Agency is published, Agent can invite other Agents to his Agency
  5. Invited Agent gets email notification and can confirm the invitation (or reject it) in his User Dashboard section
  6. If he confirms it, he is assigned to this Agency, and all his properties are displayed on that Agency page.

Example of single agency page

Example of agencies listing page

Setting up Agency Pages

If you’ve bought theme after version 1.2.0 those pages are automatically imported by Setup Wizard, however if you have older version and you’ve just updated to new one, please create 2 new static pages.

  • name the first one e.g “Manage Agency” and as content of that page add [realteo_agency_managment]
  • The second page name as e.g “Submit Agency” and as content of that page add [realteo_agency_submit].

Now go to Dashboard -> Realteo Options -> Pages, and choose those pages in the last two options

How does search by location works?

There are two ways the ‘location’ field in search can work. The presence of Google Maps API key for server side geocoding in Realteo Option determines which one is used.

If the API key is added (and configured properly – it can’t be restricted) the address typed in ‘location’ field is geocoded to latitude and longitude and all properties that are in the selected radius of that point are returned in search results. This is explained here. The radius  value can be set by default in Realteo Options (it’s 50km by default) or you can add Radius field to search form and let user decide how far from the point he wants to search.

The search function creates a debug file named geocode.txt in your wp-content folder – if you think the geolocation doesn’t work or results are incorrect, please first check this file for any messages from API

If there’s no API key added, the search is strictly text based, the text typed by user is compared to the content of property, property title, and every custom field attached to property to find matching results.

We’re working on a solution combining results from both search results ( it will be optional of course)





Realteo plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error

If you can’t activate Realteo plugin and WordPress returns following error then you certainly have outdated PHP version on your server. PHP should be at least in 5.6 version. If you are not able to update it on your own contact your hosting provider and ask them for an update.

You can check your current server PHP version by installing this plugin:

After activating that plugin you’ll be able to see current version of PHP in your dashboard:

Compare Properties

If you want to enable Compare Properties feature follow the steps below:

  1. Create a static page named for example “Compare Properties” and in content of that page put [realteo_compare] shortcode
  2. Then in Realteo Options → Pages choose that page as your Compare Properties Page

How to fix 4x array in offer type

If you’re affected by the bug in Realteo 1.0.5 that displays 4* “array” instead of Offer Types, here’s how to fix it.
Make sure you have the latest version of Findeo theme and plugins installed (you can check it in Appearance -> Install Plugins – if you don’t have it in menu it means everything is updated, if you do see it, you can update plugins from that page)

This problem should be gone after updating plugins, but might still be there if you’ve used Realteo Editor to edit fields or search forms. In that case go to Realteo Editor > Fields -> and in Offer Type field you should have empty Predefined list

Select from that dropdown Offer Types List and save
Do the same thing for all Offer Type field in Search forms editors

How can I change the “property” slug?

The filter method involves adding some custom code to your child theme functions.php to filter the permalink.

In this example we’re changing property to listing:

    function my_custom_property_slug(){
    return 'listing';
    function my_custom_property_name(){
    return 'Listing';

To change “properties” archive slug use:

    function my_custom_properties_slug(){
    return 'listings';

After that change you might have 404 error on all your properties. To fix it, go to your Dashboard → Settings → Permalinks, and just click ‘Save‘ (without changing anything). That should clear permalinks table and fix that problem.

How can I change the scale value?

In Realteo Options → General Options you can select the scale symbol that will be used with properties. The defaults are ‘sq m’, ‘m² and ‘sq ft’.

In case you want to change it to something that is not available in options, you can do it by simple filter that you should add to you child theme functions.php.

     function my_custom_scale_symbol(){
     return 'symbol';