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Radius Search

How it works? If someone types keyword/location field, andĀ  select a distance value, the address will be geocoded to latitude and longitude and all properties that are in the selected radius of that point are returned in search results.

If you want to enable Radius Search in your theme, you need to create another Google Maps API KeyĀ without any key or domain restrictions. This key will be used on server side geocoding and it wonā€™t be public.

How to get Google API Key?

Once you created new API Key, paste it to Realteo Options ā†’ General Options ā†’ Gooogle Maps API key for server side geocoding

Then go toĀ Realteo Editor ā†’ Search forms, choose form where you want to add it and drag&dropĀ Radius SearchĀ field from the available searchable elements.

Customizing Templates

Realteo has separated folder for all the templates that are used to display single properties and property archives. Those templates Ā files can be overridden via your theme if you want to customise them. To override a template, move it toĀ yourtheme/realteo/, keeping the path within ā€˜templatesā€™ intact.

So for example, you’d like to change the part that displays Details on single property view. To do that, copy file wp-content/plugins/realteo/templates/single-partials/single-property-details.php to wp-content/themes/yourtheme/realteo/single-partials/single-property-details.php and you can customize the file as you need. It will be used instead of the core template file. This also supports child themes, so you can put that file directly to your child theme.

Please note, if these files are updated in the core plugin, you may need to update your custom version in the future to maintain compatibility. Therefore it is advised to only override the template files you need to customise.

How to update theme and plugins?

If you didn’t configureĀ Envato Market auto-updates plugin (it’s recommended) you can update theme and plugins manually as follows:

  1. Go to your downloads section on ThemeForestĀĀ and download theme (Installable WordPress file only) – it will be the lastest version.
  2. Extract the zip file and upload all filesĀ (overwrite old files) on your server to
  3. After uploading new version of theme you also have to update plugins. You will see a list of plugins that require update in Appearance ā†’ Install Plugins.

You wonā€™t loose any content or settings, but if youā€™ve made any customizations to source files they will be lost, so please use Child ThemesĀĀ to modify theme .php files. šŸ˜‰

Property Listings Layouts

Findeo has 3 listings layouts. You can add listings on page using shortcodes listed below orĀ via WPBakery Page Builder using “Properties” element:

  1. List Layoutexample
  2. Grid Layoutexample
    [properties list_style="grid-layout"]
  3. Compact Grid Layoutexample
    [properties list_style="compact-grid"]

Static Pages With Search Results

There is a possibility of creating pages where your content is the result of specific searches of properties. For example you can create page ā€œApartments for rent in New Yorkā€ and this page will lists all properties in New York for rent:

[properties offer_type="rent" location="new york"]

You can set more specific filters:

[properties offer_type="rent" location="new york" area_min="1200" price_max="2500" ]

It’s also available as “Properties” element in WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer):

Page Options

Adding post and pages in Findeo is the same as in any regular WordPress theme, however we’ve added few more option and here’s the description of them.

You’ll find these options below the content editor. Here’s the top of them

  1. Page Top SectionĀ – you can use Regular Titlebar (just a page title on grey background), Parallax image ( Page title with optional subtitle is displayed over an image) or disable the titlebar (useful for homepage). For Parallax, you need to upload image in option Parallax background for header
  2. Top bar header Enable top bar header on that page (the blue bar over the logo/menu with additional menu and icons)
  3. Glue” footer to content –Ā Removes the top margin from footer section, so there’s no gap between content and the footer.
  4. Sticky footer –Enables sticky footer for this page, even if it disabled in global settings (the page
  5. Footer color style – style picker for footer (there’s a dark and light layout available)
  6. Sticky header –Enables sticky header for this page, even if it disabled in global settings
  7. Full-width header –Ā Enables full-width header for this page, even if it disabled in global settings
  8. Parallax background for header – image upload field for Page Top Section set to Parallax Image
  9. Overlay color – colorpicker for overlay over the image
  10. Parallax overlay opacityĀ 
  11. Page Layout –Ā here you can set layout of page, switch it to full-width or set left/right sidebar
  12. Subtitle –Ā optional subtitle below the main page title, not always available
  13. Selected SidebarĀ – if you have created custom sidebars (that can be done in Appearance -> Customize) – you can set it here.


Example page with Parallax HeaderĀ


Getting Google Maps API Key

All new created websites are required by Google to use an API key to access the Google Maps API services.


To use the Maps JavaScript API, you must enable billing. You can enable billing separately (seeĀ Usage and Billing) or when you get your API key.

Why do I need to generate API key?

If you’ve used Setup Wizard and imported demo content, you’ll see that your maps are probably working. This is because Setup Wizard installs you our public API key that is shared between all other Findeo installation where users just installed it or haven’t configured own API yet. Unfortunately there are limits on API calls and if they are exceeded, the maps functionality stops working. That’s why you need your own API key.

How to generate API key?

To generate yourĀ API key, you need toĀ  access the Google Developer console. In the Google Developers Console, follow these steps:

Create Project

Generate API Key

It’s important to add your website URL to ” Accept requests from these HTTP referrers” field, make sure to add it as


This way all subdomains and subpages will be accepted. After adding it, click Create.Ā It sometimes takes couple minutes to have your site accepted.

Make sure your domain is wrapped withĀ asterisks like in example. Sometimes however this is not enough and you’ll see errors in Chrome Console that you’re website is not authorized to use that API. In that case, set the Key Restriction to “None

Copy API Key

and paste it in Realteo Option ā†’ General Options ā†’ Google Maps API key

Enable APIs

Go to Overview ā†’Ā Google APIs and clickĀ Ā Google Maps JavaScript API –Ā Ā Enable the service.

APIs you need to enable to get full functionality of FindeoĀ are marked on this screenshot

Add API Key

Go to Realteo ā†’ General Options and paste your API key in “Google Maps API Key” field

Submit Form Editor

Using Realteo Editor you can easily add, rename or re-arrange fields in Submit Form

Go to Realteo Editor ā†’ Submit Form and customize submit form fields to your needs. An example below shows options for “Basic Information” section in Submit Form.

Search Forms and Fields Editor

Findeo has an awesome drag and drop forms builder that allows you to edit or build forms structure in minutes. You can easily add, rename or re-arrange fields.

Go to Realteo Editor ā†’ Search Forms and choose search form which you would like to customize:

  1. Sidebar Search – the default sidebar search as seen here:
  2. Full Width Search – full-width search form as seen here:
  3. Search on Half MapĀ – form used on half-screen layouts as seen here:
  4. Search on Home Page – form used onĀ Home Page:
  5. Search on Home Page Alt – an alternative version of form on Home Page:

Field Options Explanation

To edit field simply click on “Edit” button or if you want to add new field just drag any from theĀ available searchable elements area.

  1. Type – this option defines what kind of field it will be:
    1. Text – Displays input field
    2. Select – Displays dropdown with options
    3. Min / Max – Displays two fields, one with minimum value and another with maximum valueĀ  (e.g. minimum area and maximum area)
    4. Slider – Displays range slider where you can set minimum and maximum value
    5. Checkboxes in column – Displays checkboxes (one in a row) with items from predefinied list e.g. features
    6. Checkboxes in row – Displays checkboxes (side by side with) items from predefinied list e.g. features
    7. Location – Option only for Location field
    8. Submit – Option only for Submit Button (you can change it’s position in Full Width Search and Search on Half Map)
    9. Hidden – Field with this option will be hidden
  2. Placeholder –Ā Text that is displayed in the input field before the user enters something
  3. Field WidthĀ – Go to Field Width section to read more
  4. Custom CSS ClassĀ – You can add here custom CSS classes (separated by spaces) – for example if you would like to add 20px of top margin you can do it by typing here CSS class name – “margin-top-20”
  5. Placement – Defines whether field will be always visible or will be displayed once”Advanced Search” is enabled
    1. Main – Field will be always visible
    2. Advanced – Field will be displayed once “Advanced Search” is active

Adding New Field

Let’s say that you have added new field for properties – Rooms. You can create a filter for this field by dragging “Rooms” element from “available searchable elements” area then set this field type as “Select” (you can also use range sliders that are used for price filter) and add custom options that users could use for searching:

Field Width

Field Width – You can set here field width using Bootstrap columns

If you’ll choose field width smaller than 12 Columns (Full Width) you’ll see an additional options:Ā First In RowĀ  and Last In Row – if you would like to have e.g. 3 fields in a row then forĀ the first field mark First in RowĀ option and for the last one Last In Row

An example of settings for 3 fields in a row:

Why do I get ā€œFailed to importā€ message when importing demo content?

While importing demo content you might get a list of messages started with ” Failed to import xxx” – that is quite common and in most cases nothing to worry about.

This message will display for ” media” – the theme you’ve bought doesn’t included the images used in Theme Preview – those are stock images which cannot be redistributed – so we cannot allow you as end user to get them with the xml file, that’s why they are not imported and replaced with generic gray placeholder images.

The same message might happen for some post types or post attributes. For example if the demo of theme includes shop functionality, it’s added via WooCommerce. If you don’t have WooCommerce installed prior to importing demo content (because you don’t need it or you didn’t want it yet) – your WordPress simply doesn’t know there could by custom post type named “product” – so it won’t be able to import the products from demo XML, and the import tool with show each of the product as a “Failed to import“.