To use the Maps JavaScript API, you must enable billing. You can enable billing separately (see Usage and Billing) or when you get your API key.
Why do I need to generate API key?
If you’ve used Setup Wizard and imported demo content, you’ll see that your maps are probably working. This is because Setup Wizard installs you our public API key that is shared between all other Findeo installation where users just installed it or haven’t configured own API yet. Unfortunately there are limits on API calls and if they are exceeded, the maps functionality stops working. That’s why you need your own API key.
How to generate API key?
To generate your API key, you need to access the Google Developer console. In the Google Developers Console, follow these steps:
Create Project
Generate API Key
It’s important to add your website URL to ” Accept requests from these HTTP referrers” field, make sure to add it as
This way all subdomains and subpages will be accepted. After adding it, click Create. It sometimes takes couple minutes to have your site accepted.
Copy API Key
and paste it in Realteo Option → General Options → Google Maps API key
Enable APIs
Go to Overview → Google APIs and click  Google Maps JavaScript API –  Enable the service.
APIs you need to enable to get full functionality of Findeo are marked on this screenshot
Add API Key
Go to Realteo → General Options and paste your API key in “Google Maps API Key” field