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How to change some texts/words?

If you would like to change some texts from english to english (translating to another language is described here) you can do it using SayWhat? plugin that allows you to alter strings on your site without editing WordPress core:

Say what?

After installing SayWhat? plugin go to Tools → Text Changes and click “Add New“. In “Original string” field write original text, then in “Text domain” field add realteo or findeo and in “Replacement string” field add new text.

Some texts might come from theme and then the textdomain is findeo or from plugin then it’s realteo

Contact Forms

Findeo demo uses  Contact form 7 plugin for contact form, and it’s recommended one. After installing this pugin go to Contact → Add new (or edit current one) and in Form field paste what’s below:

<div><label>Name</label>[text* your-name] </div>
<div><label>Email<span>*</span></label>[email* your-email] </div>
<div><label>Message<span>*</span>:</label>[textarea your-message] </div>

[submit "Send"]
<div class="clear"></div>

Than at the top of page you’ll see shortcode, for example  (it will have different ID on your website):

[contact-form-7 id="123" title="Contact form 1"]

Use it on a page you want to have contact form.

Adding marker to Contact Page map

To add points to the map, go to Appearance -> Theme Options -> Contact Page -> Add new

Page Templates

There are few available page templates with Findeo, here’s the list with examples:

  1. Properties With Mapexample – adds a full-width map with the properties  before the content, it’s required to use [properties] shortcode somewhere on that page
  2. Properties Search With Map On Topexample – adds a full-width map with the properties  before the content, with the sliding out panel containing search form for properties. Hook to edit that form is ‘realteo_search_fields_fw’
  3. Properties Search Full Widthexample – add a full-width search form in place of page titlebar. Hook to edit that form is ‘realteo_search_fields_fw’
  4. Home Page with Search Bannerexample – Hook to edit that form is ‘realteo_search_fields_home’
  5. Home Page with Search Formexample – Hook to edit that form is ‘realteo_search_fields_home-alt’
  6. Properties With Map – Split Pageexample – Content of that page is split in half, one side is displaying map, other side is for properties, it’s required to use [properties] shortcode somewhere on that page
  7. Agents listexample – displays searchable list of all agents registered on the website who have at least one property added

Configuring Agents Contact Forms

This contact form is powered by Contact Form 7 plugin and  Contact Form 7 – Dynamic Text Extension

Property listings on Realteo have option to display Contact Form in sidebar or over the gallery slider, like here

Creating Contact Form

To create a contact form, go to your Dashboard → Contact → Add new. (If you’ve used Setup Wizard from Findeo you probably have this form already)

Example of contact form code:

[email* your-email placeholder "Your email"][tel* tel-295 placeholder "Your Phone"] [textarea* textarea-512 40x4 placeholder "I am interested in this property and I would like to know more details." ][submit "Send"][dynamichidden custom-post-author-email-shortcode "CUSTOM_POST_AUTHOR_EMAIL"]

You can of course use your own fields and edit the style/markup of the form, but to make sure the message will reach the agent who created that property, you need to add this to the form

[dynamichidden custom-post-author-email-shortcode "CUSTOM_POST_AUTHOR_EMAIL"]

and in the Mail tab, in To field put


It will tell you the the Invalid syntax is used, but you can ignore it.

Displaying Contact Form

Contact form on single property can be displayed either in Sidebar as widget, or over the Gallery.

In Sidebar, use Findeo Contact Widget, and choose the form you’ve create there.

If you want to display contact form over the gallery, change “Gallery display layout” to Style 2 and in Dashboard → Realteo Options → General Options, choose the form you’ve created in “Agents contact form”

Available dynamichidden fields:

  1. PROPERTY_AGENT_EMAIL (or CUSTOM_POST_AUTHOR_EMAIL) – displays agent’s email
  2. AGENCY_EMAIL – displays agency email
  3. PROPERTY_TITLE – displays property title
  4. PROPERTY_URL – displays property link

Customizing Property Details

The Property Details list is a list of text inputs that can be used to quickly describe the property.

You can modify list of property details using Realteo Editor:


Property is a custom post type used to display real estate listings on your site. It’s added by Realteo plugin and it’s the core of the Findeo theme.

Adding properties via Dashboard is similar to adding posts, but properties comes with many more options:

Property Fields

Those are 4 main tabs defining basic property elements. Here you can set Price, Price per scale (you can set the scale in Realteo Options), Offer Type, Property Type, and Rental Period if Offer Type is set to “Weekly”

In Main Details you can set Custom ID of the listings, set the Area size and total number of  Rooms, Bedrooms and Bathrooms

In Location you can set address of the property. The Google Maps Address field it the one you need to start with, this field is powered by Google Autosuggestion, and the result is geocoded on the fly to the Latitude and Longitude that is later used to display marker on the map. Additionally, if the suggested google address is too long or too detailed you have the regular “Address field” where you can put more friendly address that will be displayed on your site instead of the long one.

The last tab is “Details” that hold custom list of additional features defining the property – it’s not used in search, it;s just for the description purpose.

Property Gallery

Here you can upload and select images that will be displayed in gallery slider in Single Property view. There are 3 default styles for galleries

  1. Style 1 example
  2. Style 2 example
  3. Style 3 example

Additionally you should set “Featured Image” for each property (just like for post) In some cases, if the featured image is not added, the first image from gallery will be used.

Findeo Property Options

Here you can select custom sidebar for this property and set Slider Image – this is optional and used for Slider element, example of that slider is

Property Taxonomies

  1. Features – custom taxonomy for properties, used in search forms
  2. Regions – custom taxonomy for properties to group them by location, used in search forms


Users in Findeo can bookmark properties. To have this functionality working you need to first set your Bookmarks page in the Realteo Options → Pages → Bookmarks Page.

This should be static full-width page that has only [realteo_bookmarks] shortcode in the content.

To bookmark property uses has to be logged in, and click the star icon either on the property list like

or on the single property view if there’s a Findeo Buttons widget added to the sidebar.


User can access his bookmarks in his Account page in Bookmarked Listings submenu

Paid Properties

Relateo adds paid properties functionality. It’s using WooCommerce to give you opportunity to be able to earn money using Findeo theme. You can require users to buy a property package before submitting a property.

To create Property Packages, install and configure WooCommerce on your WordPress (it’s already done if you’ve used our Setup Wizard)

In Products → Add new, change the Product Type to “Property Package

Now, except the standard Price and Discount, you’ll see 3 new fields:

  1. Property Limit – set the number of properties user can add after buying that package. Leave empty for unlimited number of packages
  2. Property Duration – set how long the properties are visible until they are expired
  3. Featured Property? if this checkbox is marked, all properties add using this package are marked as “featured”

Theme Translation

Findeo theme is translation ready. I assume your WordPress is already in your language. If not, go to Dashboard → Settings → General and change the Site language.

You have to translate Findeo theme and Realteo plugin:

  1. wp-content/themes/Findeo/languages
  2. wp-content/plugins/realteo/languages

Method 1 – using Loco Translate

Install plugin  Loco Translate. After successful installation go to Loco Translate -> Manage Localization, you should see this screen:
Download Loco Translate

Click  New language, select your language and click Start Translating.

 Plugin that has to be translated is Realteo – Real Estate Plugin by Purethemes – not Realteo Search & Forms Editor 😉

Now you should see that screen where you can translate each string that is used in theme:

When you’re done, click Save, and it’s also recommended to click both “Po” and “Mo” buttons to save them on your PC as a backup.

Method 2 – using PoEdit

Download  PoEdit and run it.

Click ‘ Create new translation’, navigate to wp-content/themes/Findeo/languages,  and select default.pot. Select your language”. Do the same for plugin Realteo  (wp-content/plugins/realteo/languages).

Now you can translate one by one each string from the theme. After you finish save the files – POEdit should generate two .po and .mo file.

  1. for theme save file as fr_FR.po (not fr.po like PoEdit suggest).
  2. for Realteo plugin save file as realteo-fr_FR.po

* French (fr_FR) language is just an example