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How to export element from one home version to another?

If you would like to export for example search form banner (or any other section) from Home 3 to Home 1 here’s how to do it.

Open homepage version you want to export. Right click on section/container you wish to export and click “Save as template

Name it and click Save

Then open homepage where you want to import that section. Scroll to the bottom and click “Add Template” (middle button)

Click “My Templates“, find template you saved and click “Isert

Setting up WooCommerce Payment Gateways

Every transaction in Listeo operates as a discreet WooCommerce order granting access to hundreds payment gateways from every country and maximum security.

You can use default WooCommerce payment gateways or install additional from WooCommerce Processors & Gateways →

  1. Go to WooCommerce Settings: In your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to WooCommerceSettings.
  2. Select the Payments Tab: Click on the Payments tab to view the available payment gateways.
  3. Enable Payment Gateways: You will see a list of available payment gateways. Toggle the switch to enable the ones you want to use (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  4. Configure Payment Gateways: Click on the Manage or Finish Setup button next to each payment gateway to configure its settings, such as API keys and other necessary information.
  5. Save Changes: After configuring the payment gateways, make sure to save your changes.

Split Payments

Automatic split payments for bookings between the owner and the site admin (you, if you set commission) can only be achieved with Stripe. Without split payments, you can use any payment gateway that works with WooCommerce.

Stripe Split Payments Support

How to automatically geolocate visitor?

If you’d like to automatically geolocate visitors you need to enable Listeo Core → Map Settings → Automatically locate users on page load

You can use this feature along with radius search to display listings nearby user location in search results.

Keep in mind that due to privacy user will see a pop-up (check screenshot below) with browser permission request asking the user if they want to share their location with your website.

I can’t see Booking, Reviews, Gallery, Pricing Menu, Social Links, Opening Hours or Coupons Module

  • I can't see booking! How to enable booking?

  • I can't see reviews! How to enable reviews?

  • I can't see gallery! How to enable gallery?

  • I can't see pricing menu! How to enable pricing table in a listing?

  • I can't see social links on a listing! How to display social links?

  • I can't see opening hours! How to enable opening hours?

  • I can't see coupons! How to enable coupons?



Redirecting to custom login page unlogged users

If you would like to redirect unlogged user to custom login page (instead default login page) when he visits a page that requires being logged in (e.g. dashboard, messages, add listing etc.) you can use following PHP snippet.

You can add code into your functions.php file in child-theme or use WP Code plugin:

How to add PHP snippets?

Here’s PHP snippet.

add_action('template_redirect', function() {
// List of pages to redirect for non-logged-in users
$restricted_pages = ['dashboard', 'my-profile', 'messages', 'bookmarks'];

// Get the current requested URL path
$current_path = trim(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH), '/');

// Check if the user is not logged in and trying to access a restricted page
if (!is_user_logged_in() && in_array($current_path, $restricted_pages)) {
// Redirect to the login page

In following line add all pages you want to redirect:
$restricted_pages = [‘dashboard’, ‘my-profile’, ‘messages’, ‘bookmarks’]; 

and destination page: wp_redirect(home_url(‘/custom-login/’)); 

Custom Login Page

You can create custom login page using Elementor and login form shortcodes:

  1. [listeo_login_form] – displays both login and register in a tabs
  2. [listeo_login] – only login form
  3. [listeo_registration] – only register forms

You can place these shortcodes on any page where you want the respective forms to appear. For more details, you can refer to the Shortcodes section in the Listeo Knowledge Base.

Can’t install theme – missing the style.css stylesheet error

Video Tutorials for Begginers

We’re thrilled to see the amazing community around the Listeo sharing their knowledge and experiences! There are various video tutorials available online created by fellow Listeo users. These tutorials cover a wide range of topics and provide practical insights into using the theme.

These videos are not official and have not been produced by Purethemes.

How to fix error, warning and notice showing on my website

Notifications you’re seeing in WordPress are not errors, so there’s nothing to be concerned about. These messages/warnings are usually intended for developers to assist with debugging and do not impact the functionality of your website..

If you’d prefer not to see these messages, you can easily disable them by turning off debugging in WordPress. You can either contact your hosting provider for assistance or do it yourself by following these steps:

  1. Connect to your website via FTP or using the file manager in your hosting control panel.
  2. Find and open the wp-config.php file.
  3. Look for the following line:
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
    and replace with:
    @ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);
  4. Save the file.

After doing this, the warnings should no longer appear.
Let me know if you need any further assistance!