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Registration / Login Page

To enable user registration on your page, please first enable it in your WordPress: Settings → General → Membership – and check the “Anyone can register” option.

Once you enabled registration on your website create you can configure registration page in  Listeo Core → Registration

You can enable there privacy policy checkbox, reCAPTCHA and configure other features.

To configure Google reCAPTCHA you have to create reCAPTCHA v2 API key (not v1 or v2 😉 ) there 

Social Login

If you want to use Social Login we integrated Listeo with WordPress Social Login plugin

How to enable social login?


You can use following shortcodes to display login/register form in different palces

  1. [listeo_login_form] – displays both login and register in a tabs
  2. [listeo_login] – only login form
  3. [listeo_registration] – only register forms

Redirecting to custom login page

Redirecting to custom login page unlogged users

Categories and Features

This is explanation of dynamic filter: features. This option is switchable in Listeo Core → Browse Listings → Make “features” taxonomy related to categories.
This option will make Features filter load only features terms that are assigned to selected category.

Listing categories and features can be configured in Listings → Categories or Features.

You can create separated listing features list for each category.

Radius Search

How it works? If someone types keyword/location field, and  select a distance value, the address will be geocoded to latitude and longitude and all properties that are in the selected radius of that point are returned in search results.

If you want to enable Radius Search in your theme, you need to create another Google Maps API Key without any key or domain restrictions. This key will be used on server side geocoding and it won’t be public.

How to get Google API Key?

Once you created new API Key, paste it to Listeo Core → Map Settings → Gooogle Maps API key for server side geocoding

How to verify if Geocoding is working?

Make sure you key is properly created (not restricted to domain and all APIs enabled). Open following link and add your API key at the end of URL:


Commissions and Wallet

How booking payments work in Listeo

Because there’s no easy way to set payment methods per user in WooCommerce, you as site admin are the only user that can do that so you are receiving payments for the Booking Requests paid by guests. Each order is tracked and stored in WordPress Dashboard → Commissions, where you will now how much you have to transfer back to listing owner.

Related article – Stripe Split Payments:

As an site administrator you can take fee for each booking service.

For an example: if the owner of a listing with an apartment booking service set a  fixed price of $50 for each day and you set 10% fee for booking service you will get $5 and pay rest ($45) to the vendor.

You can set commissions rate in Dashboard → Listeo Core → General 

Payouts can be managed in Dashboard → Commissions.

By clicking “Make Payout” button you will be redirected to the page with unpaid orders summary. After making payout orders you will be redirected to next page with payout summary/withdrawal details. All orders will be marked as “processed” in listing owner’s “Wallet” page and his “Withdrawable Balance” counter will be reset.

You browse payouts history and check details of each payout in Commissions → Payouts History

Payment method chosen by listing owner will be visible above commissions table. Money transfer has to be done manually by the site administrator.

Vendors (listing owners) have an additional “Wallet” page in the dashboard where they can check summary of their earnings from bookings, payouts history and set payout method.

Related article – PayPal Split Payments:

Custom Comission

You can individually modify commission for each user by editing user details in WordPress Admin → Users

Paid Listing Packages

If you are not familiar with WooCommerce we recommend checking the official documentation first. 🙂

Configurating WooCommerce Settings
WooCommerce Core Payments Options
Shop Currency
Setting Up Taxes in WooCommerce
WooCommerce Default Pages

How to add paid listing /product package?

You can require users to buy a listing package before submitting a listing, to do this first make sure paid listings feature is enabled in Listeo Core → Packages Options → Paid listings

THen you an add new package in WordPress dashboard – Products → Add new, change the Product Type to “Listing Package“. Now you can describe package and configure it.

Except the standard Price and Discount fields, you’ll see 3 new:

  1. Listing Limit – set the number of listings user can add after buying that package. Leave empty for unlimited submissions.
  2. Listing Duration – set how long the listings are visible until they are expired
  3. Featured Listing? if this checkbox is marked, all listings added using this package will be marked with “featured” badge

How to edit existing package?

Simply navigate to WP Admin → Products, filter products by “Listing Package” and click edit.

Renewable/Subscription Support for Listing Packages

If you want to charge your user weekly/monthly/yearly for having listings active on your site, Listeo has support for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. After installing it, you will have new type of product “Listing Package Subscription” where you can configure how it should work on your site.

Extra Listing Package Options

The current list of options is:

  1. Booking Module –  makes setting booking options available in Listing and displays the Booking Widget in Single Listing Sidebar
  2. Reviews Module – adds option to review the listing
  3. Gallery Module – adds option to upload images to
  4. Gallery Images Limit – limits number of photos that can be uploaded to listing
  5. Social Links Module – adds option to set external social sites links
  6. Opening Hours Module – adds option to set Opening Hours and display them in the Opening Hours widget
  7. Video Module – adds option to add and display video in the listing
  8. Coupons Module – adds option to set Coupon for the listing and display it in the sidebar widget

Those options are enabled for all listings by default, so if you want to limit some or all of them, first go to Listeo Core -> Packages Options -> Check module to disable it in Submit Listing form.

The modules you will check there will be now removed from Submit Listing Form and from Single Listing view, and will be only available if the Listing Package used to submit listing has those options.

To enable those elements in Listing Package, edit the WooCommerce Product and check with checkbox which elements this package allows.

How to make pricing package featured?


Listing Package Manager

If you want to edit/add/manage listing packages sold on your site, you can edit them in Listeo Editor → Packages Manager

there you can enable/disable package options or add new packages for users

Payment Gateways

Setting up WooCommerce Payment Gateways

Add Listing Form Editor

With our drag & drop editor fields can be easily added, renamed or re-arranged for each listing type. You can also create specific field for each listing type to show additional data, for example rooms in apartments, additional services informations, etc.

You will find drag&drop editor in Listeo Editor → Add Listing Form

If you’d like to add custom field you need to create such Custom Field in WP Admin → Listeo Editor → Listings Fields.

Available Custom Fields:
1. Input
2. Dropdown Select
3. Dropdown Multi Select
4. Upload Field
5. Checkbox
6. Multi Checkbox
7. Date Time
8. Textarea

Search Forms Editor / Search Filters

Listeo features drag and drop filters forms editor. You can easily add new, rename or re-arrange fields. Go to Listeo Editor → Search Forms and choose search form which you would like to customize.

On the right, you’ll find searchable elements that you can drag to the left where you’d like them displayed. With our editor you’ve endless possibilities – you can for example switch a default dropdown to a multi-select and choose between default filter placement or a dropdown filter (e.g., price filter). In “Search on Half Map,” you can adjust the field’s width as well.

  1. Home Search Form Default – form used on homepage as seen there:
  2. Home Search Form Boxed – airbnb search form style as seen there:
  3. Sidebar Search – the default sidebar search as seen there:
  4. Search on Half Map Layout – form used on half-screen layouts as seen there:
  5. Search in Header – form used in header:

Custom Search Forms for Elementor Block

You can create multiple search forms on a single page, or if needed, you can have different homepages or landing pages, each with its own unique search form in Elementor block.

How does search by location works?

There are two ways the ‘location’ field in search can work. The presence of Google Maps API key for server side geocoding in Listeo Core determines which one is used.

  1. If the API key is added the address typed in ‘location’ field is geocoded to latitude and longitude and all properties that are in the selected radius of that point are returned in search results. The radius  value can be set by default in Listeo Core options (it’s 50km by default). Related articles: Radius search → 
  2. If there’s no API key added the search is strictly text based, the text typed by user is compared to the content of property, property title, and every custom field attached to property to find matching results.

Why do I get “Failed to import” message when importing demo content?

While importing demo content you might get a list of messages started with ” Failed to import xxx” – that is quite common and in most cases nothing to worry about.

This message will display for ” media” – the theme you’ve bought doesn’t included the images used in Theme Preview – those are stock images which cannot be redistributed – so we cannot allow you as end user to get them with the xml file, that’s why they are not imported and replaced with generic gray placeholder images.

The same message might happen for some post types or post attributes. For example if the demo of theme includes shop functionality, it’s added via WooCommerce. If you don’t have WooCommerce installed prior to importing demo content (because you don’t need it or you didn’t want it yet) – your WordPress simply doesn’t know there could by custom post type named “product” – so it won’t be able to import the products from demo XML, and the import tool with show each of the product as a “Failed to import“.

Setting Up Listeo Core

“Listeo Core” is the core plugin that powers listings and booking functionalities. You’ll find all the settings in Dashboard → Listeo Core.

All options are clearly described so we won’t be doing the same here. Go ahead and play with it on your website. 😉